Yutō Yomi (湯桶読み - Mixed Reading of Japanese and Chinese)

Mar 4, 2021 13:26
Yutō Yomi

I introduced you to the expression 'jūbako yomi' (重箱読み) yesterday, which means a term that is read as a mixture of a Chinese reading and a Japanese reading.

When the order of Chinese and Japanese readings is reversed, it is called 'yutō yomi' (湯桶読み).

'Yu' (湯) means "hot water," 'tō' (桶) means "bowl," and 'yutō' (湯桶) means a traditional Japanese beverage container.

Here, 'yu' is a Japanese reading and 'tō' (桶) is a Chinese reading.

Since 'yomi' (読み) means "reading," 'yutō yomi' means a term that is read as a mixture of a Japanese and a Chinese reading in this order.

Incidentally, 湯桶 can read as 'yuoke' with only Japanese reading, in which case it generally means "wash-basin."



「湯(ゆ)」は ""、「桶(とう)」は "" 、そして「湯桶(ゆとう)」は "" を意味します。


「読み」は "reading" を意味するので、「湯桶読み」とは「湯桶」のように訓読みと音読みが混ざった読み方を意味する表現というわけです。

No. 1 Amop567's correction
  • Yutō Yomi
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • I introduced you to the expression 'jūbako yomi' (重箱読み) yesterday, which means a term that is read as a mixture of a Chinese reading and a Japanese reading.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • When the order of Chinese and Japanese readings is reversed, it is called 'yutō yomi' (湯桶読み).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • 'Yu' (湯) means "hot water," 'tō' (桶) means "bowl," and 'yutō' (湯桶) means a traditional Japanese beverage container.
  • 'Yu' (湯) means "hot water," 'tō' (桶) means "bucket," and 'yutō' (湯桶) means a traditional Japanese beverage container.
     I don't think 桶 is a bowl
  • Here, 'yu' is a Japanese reading and 'tō' (桶) is a Chinese reading.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Since 'yomi' (読み) means "reading," 'yutō yomi' means a term that is read as a mixture of a Japanese and a Chinese reading in this order.
  • Since 'yomi' (読み) means "reading," 'yutō yomi' means a term that is read with a Japanese reading followed by a Chinese reading.
     This is easier to understand
  • Incidentally, 湯桶 can read as 'yuoke' with only Japanese reading, in which case it generally means "wash-basin."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Thank you so much for correcting my post! (^^)